Europlant is one of the leading companies in seed potato breeding world wide, with roots dating back to 1890. Through its constant focus on research and development Europlant is able to meet the high quality standards of the retail food industry and to support its trade partners in successfully marketing their products. Europlant has developed over 100 registered potato varieties, for all marketing purposes and of all maturity groups.

Since decades the name Grimme stands for innovative potato technology. Whether it be separating, planting, cultivating, harvesting or storing potatoes, the red machines are well-known for their high quality and output in the potato section for more than 70 years. In 2003 Grimme added innovative sugar beet technology to their product range of their traditional company in Damme, Germany.

Tolsma is the ultimate specialist in intelligent storage technology, and develops & produces innovative technology for the storage of potatoes, onions and carrots. This technology combined with Tolsma’s storage advice results in the highest possible storage efficiency for customers. Growers, traders and processing companies the world over choose Tolsma because of their innovative products that are easy to operate, and because they value the company’s reliability.

Whether it is 3 or 30 tons per hour you wish to sort, whether it is bags of 2 or 50 kilos, or of over a ton you wish to pack, a Schouten sorting & packing line handles your crop with the utmost care and ensures your potatoes reach their destination accurately sorted & damage-free. Schouten delivers tailor-fit solutions, combining product-friendliness with the right capacity & efficient product routing. Founded in 1937, Schouten cherishes its third generation family business characteristics; its flat organisational structure with short communication lines makes for effectiveness & flexibility.